Drug rehab centers are a facility dedicated to curing the disease of addiction to drugs. There are several kinds of drug rehab facilities that provide various levels of medical attention, different environments, and specific treatment methods for those battling substance abuse. While some drug rehabs are specialized and only serve addicts, there are others which offer general care to patients who have difficulties in coping with their addiction. The two kinds of these facilities are outpatient or inpatient and residential or live-in. If you are an addict, chances are you will need one kind or the other, depending on the severity of your addiction and your personal situation.
Outpatient treatment is generally provided at a local drug rehab facility where you will be given assistance in managing your problems while still getting the necessary support you need to overcome your problem. Counseling is also offered here so you can learn how to cope with your illness as well as how to get back into society with the help of specialists. A detoxification process will also be undergone, as will group therapy and family therapy. All of these can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms and get yourself back on track.
Residential drug rehab treatment is another option for you if you feel that you need a more intense treatment approach. Here, your loved one stays at the facility under the supervision of a licensed doctor. Your loved one will go through detoxification and will participate in group therapy sessions as well as individual counseling. This treatment can be very effective for drug addiction recovery if done under the guidance of a professional doctor.
In behavioral health treatment, most people get treated for their drug rehab by focusing on both the physical and psychological aspects of the illness. The objective of this approach is to help the person conquer cravings through therapy and counseling. It is important to identify the triggers that lead to a drug addiction and to find ways to prevent them.
Medications are often used in drug rehab programs to help combat both the physical and the psychological symptoms of withdrawal. There are a number of medications that can be administered in these programs. These include antidepressants or sedatives, as well as muscle relaxers. Antidepressants are often used in conjunction with counseling and/or group therapy. While they are often effective long-term sobriety solutions, they can also be addictive and thus must be taken as prescribed.
Another type of treatment involves inpatient treatment. This approach to treatment is usually reserved for those who have been abusing drugs for a period of time and are experiencing severe cravings for the drug. This can be extremely dangerous, as the patient may withdraw from society entirely and may begin to involve in criminal activity. Therefore, an inpatient treatment is usually reserved for people who have been abusing drugs for many months or years. For outpatient rehab, outpatient drug treatment centers provide either inpatient treatment or outpatient therapy.
Of the two types of treatment options, most professionals will agree that inpatient alcohol rehab is preferable because it offers more help in terms of support and relapse prevention. The biggest drawback to inpatient treatment is the fact that people who are severely addicted may refuse to participate or even complete the program due to the restraints placed upon them. This group will meet once a week to discuss relapse prevention and to discuss life without drugs.
Group therapy is a relatively new addition to the range of available treatment options for those struggling to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. It’s important to note, however, that although group therapy is extremely effective for overcoming substance abuse problems, it is also very effective when combined with individual sessions. Both inpatient and outpatient programs should offer at least one group session each week. When these sessions are combined with individual counseling, many people find that their chances of overcoming their addictions dramatically increase.