Conducting Examination for Health Professionals

As per the Coventry Accord, England and Wales; all physicians who treat patients in the UK must conduct examinations of their patients. These examinations have to be conducted by a registered physician or otherwise known as a practicing doctor. A practicing doctor is one who practices for two years continuously and has a minimum of five hours of specialized training in any medical profession. Such a physician can conduct a full examination on anyone who requires it and can treat the patient without prior authorization from a supervisor.

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There are certain regulations that governed the way a doctor can administer a test and conduct examinations. One of the regulations states that an examiner has to be registered by the Board of Examiners of Medicine. There are many ways of going about getting registered as an examiner and all these ways are under the strict supervision of the Board of Examiners. If one is not registered then he or she can either work under the supervision of the board of examiners or get themselves enrolled in one of the many medical schools where they can obtain a license to become a practicing doctor.

There are some ways of knowing whether one is properly competent for carrying out the examination process. The best way is by looking at the years of experience which an examiner has. This will enable one to judge the competence of the person. In addition, one can also get a reference from one’s current doctor or dentist who may have undertaken the examination process. Once one gets the license to become an examiner it is necessary to get registered with the Board of Examiners of Medicine and it is advised that one makes application for registration as soon as possible.